A huge thank you helping me making sense of such a thorny issue and the government consultation on copyright and AI and fill it n before the Feb 25th deadline. I tweaked a few suggestions in case 'carbon copies' would be downgraded. Here's hoping there's some hope for us makers in the real world!

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Many, many thanks for this! It saved me pulling out my eyelashes in frustration at the biased way the questions were worded.

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This has helped so much... Between this and the AOI guide, I've actually been able to complete the form. As a dyslexic creative, it feels like the barriers are impossible to cross sometimes. Let's just hope that they listen to us.

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Absolute disgrace the world has gone mad next every creative will be replaced by bloody AI it's already writing everything we read. So why not create everything we see that's the mentality. It's a disgrace it needs to be stopped!

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Huge thanks for this, I always find consultations daunting and hugely appreciate people that help pin down the most important parts to answer, it encourages more people to respond.

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Tha k you so much for this

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Thanks for this, it's very helpful. I've already made an attempt to fill in most of the relevant answers but this does help see the wood for the trees.

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Thank you so much for this! It was incredibly helpful and informative. I've just whipped through the form without getting tangled in the twisty questions.

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This is such an important issue and could have a drastic impact on all creative industries. The suggested responses are very helpful and can be combined by dovetailing with those provided by DACS in their advice. Thank you for ringing the alarm!

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